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0439 一篇读懂0487开头是哪里的电话-凯发k8国际首页登录

   日期:2022-12-31     作者:yl汽车网  联系电话:153-872-95596  浏览:22    








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0439译者:记0439译者:记衢州的崎顶并(高晓声)(高晓声)translation: journal on double dragon cave of jinhua (ye shengtao)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: adam lam)


4月14日,我在江苏衢州,游东山的崎顶并on april 14, i was in jinhua of zhejiang touring double dragon cave at northern mountain.。




we arrived at luodian about five miles after exiting the city of jinhua.过了罗店就渐渐入山once past luodian we gradually entered the mountain area.。


公路盘曲而上the highway meandered uphill.山上开满了映山红,the mountain was blooming with azalea flowers everywhere.。


无论花朵和叶子,都比盆栽的杜鹃显得有精神all these wild flowers and leaves were more spirited than those of home-grown potted azaleas.。

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油桐也正开花,这儿一丛,那儿一簇,很不少tung trees were blossoming as well and there were clusters of their flowers here and there adding up to a fair number.。


山上沙土呈粉红色,在别处似乎没有见过sand and soil of the mountain were showing a pinkish color not seemed to have been seen elsewhere.。


粉红色的山,各色的映山红,再加上或浓或淡的新绿,眼前一片明艳a pinkish mountain, multicolored azaleas, and new growths in green of varying shades constituted an exquisite picture in front of my very eyes. 。


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一路迎着溪流we were traveling against the grain of a down-flowing stream.

随着山势,溪流时而宽,时而窄,时而缓,时而急,溪声也时时变换调子following the contours of the mountain, the stream changed in width and speed, while its water was playing varying tunes at different locations.。

入山大约五公里就来到崎顶并口,那溪流就是从洞里出来的we arrived at the mouth of double dragon cave roximately five miles after arriving at the mountain and the stream came from inside the cave. 。


at the mouth of the cave i looked up and noticed the tall mountain was majestic, wooded and overwhelming.

洞口像桥洞似的,很宽the cave opening resembled archway of a bridge and was wide.走进去,仿佛到了个大会堂,seemingly i arrived at a grand hall upon entering.。

周围是石壁,头上是高高的石顶,it was rock structure all around, including the four surrounding walls and the cave ceiling high above the head.

在那里聚集一千或是八百人开个会,一定不觉得拥挤the place could comfortably accommodate up to eight hundred to one thousand people in a meeting gathering.。

泉水靠着洞口的右边往外流spring water flowed out along the right side of the cave.这是外洞all these were at the outer part of the cave. 。


i tried to locate the source of the spring water at the outer cave, and turned out it came from a hole-opening at the lower left side of the rock wall.

虽说是孔隙,可也容得下一只小船进出even though it was called a hole-opening, yet it was large enough for a small boat to go in and out.。

怎样小的小船呢?how small a size could this boat be?两个人并排仰卧,刚合适,再没法容第三个人,是这样小的小船it would be a small boat that could just fit in two people lying face-up side by side, and a third person would be too many.。

船两头都系着绳子,ropes were tied to both ends of the boat.管理处的工人先进内洞,a worker from management entered the inner cave first.

在里边拉绳子,船就进去,he then pulled the rope from inside and the boat entered.在外洞的工人拉另一头的绳子,船就出来another worker at the outer cave pulled the rope at the other end and the boat came out.。

我怀着好奇的心情独个儿仰卧在小船里,out of curiosity i lay face-up on the small boat alone.自以为从后脑到肩背,到臀部,到脚跟,没有一处不贴着船底了,

every part of my body, from the rear of head, to the back of shoulder, down to the buttocks and all the way to the ankles, touched the floor of the boat.

才说一声“行了”,船就慢慢移动眼前昏暗了,once i gave the word “go”, the boat moved slowly and everything turned dark in front of my eyes.。

可是还能感觉左右和上方的山石似乎都在朝我挤压过来i could sense the rocks from above and on both sides were seemingly closing in toward me.。

我又感觉要是把头稍微抬起一点儿,准会撞破额角,擦伤鼻子i also thought if i lifted my head a little i could crack my forehead or scrape my nose.。

大约行了二三丈的水程吧,就登陆了,这就到了内洞after traveling roximately twenty to thirty feet by water i arrived at the landing spot which was at the inner cave. 。


the inner cave was pitch-black and i could not see anything.工人提着汽油灯,也只能照见小小的一块地方,余外全是昏暗,a worker holding up a kerosene lamp could only brighten up a small area and the rest was all dark.

不知道有多么宽广i could not tell the size of the place.工人高高举起汽油灯,逐一指点洞内的景物the worker lifted the kerosene lamp up high to show the sceneries inside the cave one after another.。

首先当然是蜿蜒在洞顶的双龙,一条黄龙,一条青龙of course coming first on the list were the two wriggling dragons—one yellow and one green—at the roof top.。

我顺着他的指点看,有点儿像i looked toward the direction he was pointing at and they did look somewhat like what they were supposed to resemble.。

其次是些石钟乳和石笋,这是甚么,那是甚么,next were the stalactites and stalagmites and he explained some were like this and others were like that.

大都依据形状想象成神仙、动物以及宫室、器用,名目有四十多according largely to their respective shapes they were fancied to be gods, animals, palace chambers, utensils and other categorized items to a total number of forty plus.。

这些石钟乳和石笋,形状变化多端,再加上颜色各异,these stalactites and stalagmites were variable in shapes and colors.即使不比做甚么,也很值得观赏。

they were worth looking at even if they were not fantasized to be anything. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

在洞里走了一转,觉得内洞比外洞大得多,i went around inside the cave once and believed the inner cave was much larger than the outer cave.

大概有十来进房子那么大,it was about the size of ten houses.泉水靠着右边缓缓地流,声音轻轻的spring water flowed slowly along the right side and the sounds were soft.。

上源在深黑的石洞里the source of water came from the inside of the dark cave. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------。

我排队等候,i waited in line.又仰卧在小船里,出了洞then i lay on the small boat and came out of the cave.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------。

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